EDMONTON, AB – Two tracks the Northern Provincial Pipelines Late Model Series will be competing at next year have released their tentative 2016 oval schedules. A total of 25 oval race dates have been scheduled at both Edmonton’s Castrol Raceway and Rimbey’s Central Alberta Raceways. Both tracks however are going in opposite directions as far as the total number of oval race events scheduled for 2016. Castrol Raceway has dramatically reduced the number of scheduled oval races next season, while Central Alberta Raceways has increased its race date count. Edmonton officials have just 9 oval races on the schedule next season, which is down from the 16 dates scheduled in 2015. Central Alberta Raceway’s will be running the most oval race dates in its 12 year history. A total of 16 oval races are scheduled for the Rimbey, Alberta track in 2016 which is up four race dates from last year. The pre-season test ‘n’ tune will be held the same weekend at both tracks in May. Edmonton’s test ‘n’ tune day will be held on Saturday, May 14th and Rimbey’s will be on Sunday, May 15th. Even with a limited oval schedule in Edmonton, upon closer inspection, Central Alberta Raceways and Castrol Raceway are racing on the same night a total of five times in 2016. NPP Series officials are looking at running 10 – 12 events in 2016. A tentative NPP Series schedule will be released in the new year.

Saturday, May 14th (test ‘n’ tune)
Saturday, May 28th
Saturday, June 11th
Saturday, June 25th
Saturday, July 9th
Saturday, July 23rd
Saturday, August 13th
Friday, August, 26th (Gold Cup – Night #1)
Saturday, August 27th (Gold Cup – Night #2)
Saturday, September 3rd

Sunday, May 15th (test ‘n’ tune)
Friday, May 27th
Saturday, May 28th
Friday, June 10th
Saturday, June 11th
Friday, June 24th
Saturday, June 25th
Friday, July 8th
Saturday, July 9th
Friday, August 12th
Saturday, August 13th
Friday, September 9th
Saturday, September 10th
Saturday, September 24th
Sunday, September 25th
Saturday, October 1st
Sunday, October 2nd