WHITECOURT, AB – The 2012 Season Champion of the Northern Provincial Pipelines Late Model Series has received a major North American business award. Kevin Wheeler, owner of KW Mechanical, was named the 2012 Truck Service Expert of the Year at the annual HDA Truck Pride convention (May 1 – 5) in Orlando, Florida. “I was in Arizona (in March) visiting mom and dad and I got a phone call saying that my company won this award and that we’ll see you in Florida the first week of May.” More than 1,900 rooms were booked for the five-day convention. “Never been to anything like this before,” admits Wheeler, “I’m just a small town boy from Whitecourt.” KW Mechanical is one of over 700 North American businesses that fly the HDA Truck Pride banner. HDA Truck Pride is North America’s largest independent provider of parts and service. “To win this award is an absolute honor,” says Wheeler, “without my staff, KW Mechanical is nothing. It’s like a pit crew in racing. Everyone works together to get the job done right.”

(photo courtesy: HDA)
Wheeler says KW Mechanical had a humble beginning. “I started working on friends vehicles in my acreage garage back in 1998. I worked evenings and weekends because I already had a full-time job during the day.” Wheeler worked for a safety company that performed maintenance on fire trucks. The major move, which changed everything, took place in 2001 when Wheeler purchased a service truck. “That really got the ball rolling. Had to quit my regular job and hire a couple staff due to the increase in business. We’ve been growing ever since.”

Wheeler says the 2012 Truck Service Expert of the Year award caught the attention of one of the convention attendees in Florida. “I picked up a race sponsor because of this. Prestone Antifreeze will be coming on board as an associate sponsor on my car for the 2013 season.” The defense of Wheeler’s NPP Series Championship title begins in June.