EDMONTON, AB – Race teams in the province of Alberta have emerged from their winter slumber and so have the race tracks. Three facilities the Northern Provincial Pipelines Late Model Series are scheduled to compete at in 2017 are almost ready to go. Unfortunately several April snow storms have been hampering facility preparations by track officials. Despite the additional moisture and standing water from the melting snow, there has been no talk of any postponements by track officials at this point. Drayton Valley Speedway is the first track to open its doors in 2017. A test and tune is scheduled for Saturday, April 29th. Crews will be out this weekend upgrading the old bleachers but also installing new bleachers to expand the seating capacity on the oval.

In Rimbey, track officials are desperately needing some co-operation from the weather. The massive dump of snow from the spring storms has melted leaving pools of standing water in its wake. Central Alberta Raceway has scheduled a two-day oval test and tune weekend on Saturday and Sunday, May 6th and 7th.

For the first time in 26 years, Castrol Raceway has not scheduled a test and tune on its oval track. The first schedule Edmonton oval event is their 2017 season opener on Saturday, May 27th. The 17th consecutive season of the NPP Late Model Series begins on Friday and Saturday, May 26th and 27th at Central Alberta Raceways.