EDMONTON, AB. – The Northern Provincial Pipelines Late Model Series has cleared its first hurdle in showing race events on-line during the 2011 season. In a test broadcast late Sunday night into the early morning hours of Monday, three hours of live streaming video was broadcast on the npp-racing.com website. “You didn’t miss much,” smiles NPP Series announcer Gord Craig, “if you happened to be on the website at this time all you would have seen is a close up of a checkered flag, a picture of the NPP Series pace car and some graphics.”

Several more off-season tests are planned. “The goal in 2011 is to broadcast all NPP Series races on the website but that will depend on internet access at the various tracks we plan on competing at.” The broadcast tests coincide with several off-season modifications currently being made to the NPP Late Model Series website. “Visits to the website continue to move in an upward direction,” adds Craig, “adding live coverage of race events next season will ensure this trend continues.”